07 December 2015

Week of 7 - 11 December

Freshman World History

Monday we will be focusing on castles, and students will be hired to design a castle for their lord and lady! Here is the assignment. Homework is to finish the blueprint for your castle. This will be a 10-point assignment.

Tuesday we will be discussing our Middle Age Character projects, then learning about chivalry and knights. We will work on a packet on Medieval Literature, available here. Homework is to read and complete the guided reading on the Age of Chivalry.

Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

A scene about chivalry from one of the best movies.......ever.

Wednesday we will discuss the Age of Chivalry some more, and students will work on creating a Coat of Arms for their House. Check out this awesome website about the symbols knights would put on their crest. Complete your crest for homework. 

Thursday, students will be doing a round robin activity to finish up the Age of Chivalry, looking at Medieval weapons and warfare, courtly romance, geography, and taking a prep quiz to check our understanding. We will finish class by filling out a thought web on the Age of Chivalry to sum up what we've learned. For homework, students must read 13.3 (pgs. 364-369) and answer #1 and 3-5 on a separate sheet of paper.

Pretty interesting new sport - any takers for a new team at BHS?

Robin Hood was another character like King Arthur from the Middle Ages......but did he actually exist?

Friday we will summarize our understanding of chivalry by filling out a thought web, then go over the homework on the Role of the Medieval Church. We will finish class by watching a short segment of "The Dark Ages" from the History Channel. For homework, work on your project!!! Links for research are available at the top of the page, and it's due 12/21.

Sophomore Modern World
Monday we will be learning about Imperialism in India. We will begin class with a recap of Imperialism in the Middle East and the Scramble for Africa, along with the idea of the "White Man's Burden." Then we will move onto India, "the jewel of the crown of the British Empire." Here are the notes. Homework tonight is to outline 11.4 in your textbooks.

Sepoy Mutiny of 1857
Tuesday we will discuss Imperialism in China and Japan, here are the notes for the former and the latter. Students will complete a short packet for packet on Chinese and Japanese imperialism. 

Wednesday we will go over American Imperialism (notes here), and discuss political cartoons. Homework is to complete the handout on the US and political cartoons.

Thursday we will finish going over political cartoons and then review for our quiz tomorrow! Homework is to study imperialism!!! Students may fill ONE side of a 3"x 5" index card with notes, for use on the Quiz tomorrow.

Friday we will have a short quiz on Imperialism. We will spend the last portion of class talking about the buildup to World War I. No homework tonight!

Junior US II
Monday we will be reviewing Nativism for the last time and beginning our discussion of Politics in the Gilded Age, focusing on political machines, political bosses, and graft.
Boss Tweed political cartoon
Tuesday we will be doing an in-class activity where students will analyze political cartoons and documents from the Gilded Age and form an opinion as to whether or not the benefits of political machines outweighed the costs. Homework is to read the handout "Minorities Fight for Change" and answer #1-3.
"The Bosses of the Senate"

Wednesday we will discuss our homerwork from the night before and then finish the DBQ activity. Homework is to complete your paragraph and type - 12 Times New Roman, double-spaced, proper heading.

Thursday we will be finshing up our notes on the Age of Reform, here are the notes. We will also go over Minorities' Fight for Rights, focusing on Native Americans with these notes. Study for your quiz tomorrow!

Friday we will take our quiz on Immigration and Reform, then do some trivia and review for the rest of class. Homework is to complete Part 2 of your quiz, the Graphic Organizer, for 10 pts. You may use any notes or handouts to complete this assignment. Have agood weekend!

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