21 December 2015

Week of 21-23 December

Freshman World History
Monday we will review for the test tomorrow! Also, I will be collecting your Medieval Character project. Make sur eyou finish the 14.4 packet for HW, as well as study for your test tomorrow. Here is a Jeopardy game to help you out! Study well, but remember - you already KNOW this stuff, you will do great!
They even liked the legend of Star Wars during the Middle Ages.
Tuesday is test day! Get some sleep the night before - don't cram!!!! No homework tonight.
Haha, that's so punny.
Wednesday we will be doing some trivia in class for class points, and handing back students' work. We'll also talk about the next unit when the kids get back from break, but we'll be chillin' out today...Enjoy your Christmas break!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the Sophomore Modern World post for a nice historical Christmas memory...

Sophomore Modern World

Monday students will debreif from the activity on Friday (which they did great on, even though we ended up with a stalemate - totally realistic, actually). We will look at a slideshow of WWI from the Trench Warfare perspective, then take some notes on the largest battles of WWI. For homework, students will choose 3 battles and fill out this worksheet.

Tuesday we will delve deeper into the Battle of the Somme, and for homework students will outline 13.3. Fact for the day: Did you know? J.R.R. Tolkein, author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, was a veteran of the Battle of the Somme, and the horrors he witnessed there would inspire many of his tales of Middle-Earth.

Tolkein in uniform, 1916 (The second picture, not the first one.)

Wednesday students will discuss the US entry into the war as well as the Russian exit, and how the war would draw to a close. We will also begin talking about the Paris Peace Conference and Wilson's 14 Points. Enjoy your Christmas break!!!

And here's a true Christmas miracle from 1914...

Junior USII
Monday we will be reviewing for our Unit Test tomorrow on the Progressive Era. It will be a simple, 25-question multiple-choice test. Homework tonight is to study your notes and the study guides you were given in class to prepare for the test tomorrow.

Test today. Be confident, and you will see that confidence show up in your grade! You guys know this stuff. No homework! Check out this great video of Lincoln reading Mean Tweets about himself. ;)

Wednesday we will be having a laid-back day of random trivia and midyear review. Enjoy your Christmas break!!!

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