01 December 2015

Week of 30 Nov - 4 Dec

Freshman World History
Monday I will not be present, but students will be watching "The Dark Ages" (History Channel) and answering questions. Homework will be to complete the 13.2 Reading Packet and Questions.

Watch the video from 9:30-23:03 and then 51:14-

On Tuesday we will go over the lioneage of Frankish Kings, with these notes. We will be reviewing the homework from last week, found here. Homework tonight is to do Pg. 363, numbers 1 and 5.

Charlemagne sometimes killed his enemies just by glaring at them.
Wednesday we will go over Feudalism and the class system in place, focusing on the relationship between Kings and Nobles, as well as Nobles and Peasants. No homework tonight.

Thursday we will be doing an activity where students will conduct their own research on Life in the Middle Ages. Info will be posted around the room and students will have to explore and take notes. We will also discuss our upcoming Middle Ages Project today, due on 12/21. Here is the assignment and the rubric. For homework, students will complete a double-sided WS on Manorialism.

On Friday, students will watch a video on Castles, by David Macaulay. They will also answer these questions.For homework, students will Mind Their Manors!!! Hehe, it's a worksheet.

Mont Saint Michel in France, becomes an island at high tide!!!

PBS - 'Castle' - David Macaulay

Sophomore Modern World
Monday I will be out, so students will have a substitute. Here is your mission: 1. Partner up. 2. Correct your homework (You will get a key). 3. Grab a book and outline 8.4 (You must know this for test on Wednesday!) 4. Accomplish these tasks before the end of the period. Homework will be to take the 8.3 and 4 Quiz (this is not graded - it's a study aid so please don't use your books and notes - see how well you do!)

Leutze's Washington Crossing the Delaware

Millet's The Gleaners

Monet's The Sunrise
Tuesday we will complete our notes ont he Artistic Revolutions and review before the test. Artisitic Revolution Notes are available here and here. For homework, study for the test tomorrow!!!

Wednesday is test day!!! No homework tonight.

Thursday, students will be conducting a Round-Robin activity, learning about Imperialism and the Scramble for Africa. God, Gold, and Glory! We'll talk briefly about the atrocities committed by Belgian companies in the Congo, and the resulting Berlin Conference. Homework tonight is to outline 13.1 and 13.2 in your books. 

Friday students will have a packet to complete on the White Man's Burden and Imperialism in Africa. For homework, students will be completing a packet on Imperialism in the Middle East.

Junior USII
Monday I will not be in school, and students will be taking a virtual tour of Ellis Island, where many "new" immigrants would first arrive to the US. Students will fill out a worksheet as they take the tour.

Tuesday we will finish the tour and go over any questions. For homework, students will study the information learned from the Tour and complete any stops we did not complete in class. Quiz Tomorrow!!!

Wednesday we will have a quiz on Ellis Island. Then we will discuss Nativism by looking at a number of political cartoons arguing for/against immigration.

Thursday we will look deeper into some of the effects of Nativism, like the Know-Nothing Party and the Chinese Exclusion Act, for example, and then look at the rise of Populism and reforms in America.

On Friday, students will complete some packets in class on Populism, Nativism, and Progressivism. Lots of isms!!! Homework over the weekend is to read Chapter 5 in your textbook at home and complete the questions at the end of the chapter.

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