04 November 2013

Week of 4-8 November

World History - B and D Periods

Monday we will be looking at more art, practicing what we've learned by distinguishing classical, medieval, and renaissance art, and doing so with the guidance of in-house expert, Mr. Perlow!!! We will also be analyzing art, which means looking at a piece of art and really figuring out what it means (more than just pretty colors). This is a skill that help you everywhere in life (yes, even if you don't become a museum curator). No homework tonight.

Happy Bonfire Day!

Tuesday we will learn a little more about Renaissance artwork and all of the other classes that came out of it. We will also discuss some of the characteristics and features of art, to help us prepare for our upcoming project. For homework, students will receive a handout on the Renaissance, from 13.1 and 13.2 in the textbook. Answer ALL questions! Due Thursday.

Wednesday through Friday, we will be spending class working on an art project with the iPads. We will go over the directions in class, but they will also be available here.


Thursday I will not be present, but your homework is due. Also, for homework tonight students should make sure everything is in order to complete their projects in class on Friday. Also, students will be completing a short worksheet on Leonardo da Vinci and Isabelle d'Este, available here. Due Tuesday.

Some more of da Vinci's work. Notice the expression in the characters' faces.
For Friday, homework will be to complete the handout on Leonardo da Vinci and Isabelle d'Este (and answer all of the questions). Also, for anyone interested in a little extra credit, students may read an excerpt from the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, an artist for the Pope. The reading and follow-up questions are available here, and are worth 20 points. You only have to answer Questions#1-4 (hint: Art is important!). I will accept this on Tuesday, no later.

Enjoy your 3-day weekend, and while you're out doing non-school things on Monday, remember why you have the day off in the first place! Report cards also go home today.

US History I - A Period

Monday we will discuss in earnest the Articles of Confederation, or more specifically, all the trouble they caused! We'll use our worksheets to take notes. No homework tonight!

Tuesday we will finish our discussion from Monday, and prepare for an activity on Wednesday. For homework, you will refresh your memory on the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 in preparation for our activity tomorrow. Worksheet is available here. Also, current events will be due on Friday, 1 event of your choice.

Wednesday we will have an activity!!!! We'll be grouping up and buying some townships from the US Government, then designing and organzing our newly acquired lands. This activity will help us understand how the sales of lands were organized and carried out. For homework, students will be completing a worksheet on Shays's Rebellion, due on Friday. Worksheet is available here.

Thursday I will not be in class, but Mr. Hales will be giving you all a quick "Learning" Test, and then you will begin watching "Founding Fathers," which will help us understand the Articles of Confederation, and how we moved on to the foundation of American Government for centuries to come, the U.S. Constitution, thanks to our Founding Fathers. For homework, finish up your current events assignment!

Friday we will spend some time discussing Veteran's Day and the history behind it, before we wrap up the movie from Thursday and discuss it. Enjoy your 3-day weekend, and don't forget to thank the people responsible for it!!! Report cards also go home today.