28 October 2013

Week of 27 October - 1 November

World History  - B and D Periods

Monday we will be finishing up the "Terrible Tudors", whose religious affiliations bounced back and forth between Catholicism and Protestantism so many times, it may make your head spin (it makes this guy's head spin!). The notes from class will be posted here.

Here's Jane Grey, Henry VIII's (sort-of) niece, who ruled for a whopping 9 days!

And then enter the Catholic "Bloody Mary" Tudor, who married the King of Spain and cracked down on the Protestants in England.

And when she died, Elizabeth I became queen, beginning the Elizabethan Era (back to Protestantism!).

Tuesday we will discuss the Catholic Counterreformation (there's a $2 word), which was the Catholic Church's efforts to stem the Protestant Reformation. This included a number of things, from the attempts made by the Spanish Armada to invade England....

to the creation of missionaries called the Jesuits, led by a Spanish man named Ignatius de Loyola. Notes are available hereFor homework, students will receive a homework packet on the Renaissance, available here, which will be due next Monday.

Not to be confused with Inigo Montoya.
Who knew they served guinea pig at Jesus' last supper?
This will make more sense after we learn about the Jesuits.
Wednesday we will discuss the Spanish Inquisition, which was a less-than-pleasant time to be a Protestant (or anything other than Catholic).

Monty Python fans?
After discussing what it was, we will conduct a mock Inquisition in class. Don't worry, you won't be tortured! (At least, I don't think so). To finish, we will go over any questions students have about the unit before we begin the second half.

Thursday (Happy Halloween!)we will be finish up the Religious Revolutions by talking about John Calvin and his theory of Predestination. Then, we will move on to the second half of this unit, the Renaissance, with a focus on art and music. We will learn about the three main styles of art up to this point, Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance:

Friday we will be analyzing some art in small groups. Don't forget, your homework is due on Monday!!! Friday is also the end of Term 1. 

The School of Athens by Raphael
Pieta by Michelangelo
Leonardo da Vinci
The Mona Lisa by Leonardo
US History I - A Period

Monday we will be taking a Pre-Test on our next unit, Forming a New Nation, and also going over our Unit Tests from Friday, which the class did VERY well on! Map Quiz on Friday. Also, current events are due Friday. For homework, students will read pgs. 132-137 and write 5 observations, 3 questions, and 1 opinion. Here's a "Crash Course" in what we'll be learning in this Unit.

Tuesday we will talk about the Paris Peace Treaty, which ended the Revolutionary War, and specifically about its terms for the British and Americans.We will also discuss the challenges facing our new nation, as well as all of the different options there were for forms of government. We'll spend the majority of the class discussing the purposes of government (save it, anarchists) and most importantly, What we need a government for.

The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783
Wednesday we will form the Howe Convention, and students will be assigned as delegates of their own states. We will discuss some hotly debated issues facing us as a new country, and see if we can come to any solutions over these issues as we write a charter to govern and organize our new union. For homework, students will read the Articles of Confederation and answer three short questions about it.

Thursday (Happy Halloween!) we will be discussing the different types of government at the time, so we may better understand Congress's thinking at the time as they attempted to create our new government. For homework, students will read pgs. 134-140, complete their current events assignment, and study for the Map Quiz.

Friday we will have our Map Quiz, and discuss the current events which are due. We will then be discussing the Articles of Confederation, which were Congress's first attempt at outlining ow the new government would work. They turned out great............until they failed miserably, as we'll talk about more next week. For homework, students will complete the Articles of Confederation worksheet they began in class, available here.

"Really, guys, this is best you could come up with!?!?"