12 November 2013

Week of 12-15 November

World History - B and D Periods

Tuesday students will have a BINDER CHECK, and will continue to work on the iPads for their Looking at Art Projects.

Wednesday and Thursday we will be in the library doing some more research on our pieces of art. For homework, students will continue to work on their art project, which they can expect to present to the class on Friday. Also, students will complete a brief worksheet on William Shakespeare and Desiderius Erasmus, also due Friday. The worksheet is avalable by clicking here.

Friday we will begin our Oral Presentations in class. Woohoo! For homework, students will be completing the attached worksheet on the Scientific Revolution. 

US History I - A Period

Tuesday I will not be in class, so you will be finishing up the Founding Fathers movie and passing in your question sheets, and then you will be spending the rest of the class working on our next activity, creating the Western Hemisphere Union.

Wednesday, we will be doing the Western Hemisphere Activity in class, where we will attempt to form a union of all of the countries in the Western Hemisphere, which will help us understand what it was like for Congress as they tried to unite all of the states. Remember, the focus of this activity is Localism vs. Nationalism. Do your loyalties lie with the place you come from, or with the idea of unity of all states? For homework, students will work on one Current Event of their choice for Friday, and will also read pgs.140-144 and write 5 observations, 3 questions, and 1 opinion.

Thursday we will be talking about the Constitutional Convention, when Congress decided it was time to "try again" at creating a national government. But the big question is, did it work??? For homework, students will read the following handout and answer the questions attached to the pictures. Reading available here. Also, students have Current Events due tomorrow!

Friday you will each be assigned a key talking point of the Convention, and your job will be to research the issue, come up with a solution, and research the solution that Congress came upon. On Monday, you will confer with your classmates who had the same issue, and then on Tuesday, students will be getting into groups of three and teaching each other about the issues they focused on. For homework, students will complete this Coded Homework on the Constitutional Convention.