25 November 2013

Week of 25 - 27 November

World History - B and D Periods

Monday we will be reviewing the Reformation and Renaissance, by playing some Jeopardy!

Tuesday we will have our Unit Exam on the Reformation and Renaissance, and this will also be the last day I will accept any late homework from the Unit, so if you know you haven't been on top of your homework this term, check Aspen and try to make up for some of it!

Wednesday, classes will only be about 11 minutes, due to the Pep Rally! We will briefly discuss the history of Thanksgiving. There will also be an optional Extra Credit assignment available to any students who want to make up for missing work or get ahead of the next unit. I will discuss this in class.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! No homework, but there will be an optional Extra Credit assignment for those of you who are looking to bring your grades up. Directly below, you will find the link to the assignment, which will require you to read 2 pages about different forms of governments, and then complete 2 pages of activities. THIS EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT WILL BE WORTH 30 POINTS, OR 3 HOMEWORKS. Enjoy your break!


US History I -  A Period

Monday we will be discussing the raging debate after the Constiutional Convention ends: Will the states ratify it or not??? We'll talk a little about the two sides of the argument: the Federalists, who supported a powerful, centralized government as defined by the Constitution, and the Anti-Federalists (such a creative name - nobody thought of "The Constitutional Avengers" or something cool?!), who argued that big government would eventually turn sour and the people would lose all of their freedom. Notes are available here. We will also be getting comfortable with using the iPads, in preparation for our activity tomorrow. Homework is to finish your Snyder v. Phelps Essays. Tomorrow you should be handing in 2 outlines, 2 rough drafts, and 2 final drafts. This assignment is worth 50 points!!!

9:45 - end

Tuesday we will be conducting a digital scavenger hunt using the iPads and the History Here App from The History Channel. You will be given a list of local historical sites in and around Plymouth, and you will be tasked to locate them using satellite images and explain what they are. Check out this (kind-of) funny article about how Nicaragua "accidentally" invaded Costa Rica because Google Maps misdrew its borders. That excuse worked for a few weeks, until everyone realized the Nicaraguan troops were staying. No homework tonight.

Here's a cool video about the real hsitory behind Thanksgiving for all you Plymouthians:

And speaking of interesting traditions, check this out (it's pretty moving):

Wednesday, classes will only be about 11 minutes, due to the Pep Rally! We will briefly discuss the history of Thanksgiving. There will also be an optional Extra Credit assignment available to any students who want to make up for missing work or get ahead of the next unit. I will discuss this in class.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! No homework, but there will be an optional Extra Credit assignment for those of you who are looking to bring your grades up. Directly below, you will find the link to the assignment, which will require you to read 2 pages (mostly things we've already gone over in class) and then complete 2 pages of activities. THIS EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT WILL BE WORTH 15 POINTS, OR 3 HOMEWORKS. Enjoy your break!