08 September 2015

Week of 8-11 September

Freshmen World:

Tuesday: Today we will be setting up our binders in preparation for the year. We will also take a few pre-tests on Geography and Following Directions to see where we stand. Homework tonight is to begin work on your Timeline project, due Friday. You can find the assignment here.

Wednesday: Today we will be discussing the Nacirema Tribe. They are a very interesting and peculiar people, and we will learn to appreciate their ways, and open our minds to learning about different cultures. We will also talk about our own values. For homework, students will finish answering questions about the Nacirema. Here is the reading and the questions. Questions are due tomorrow!

Thursday: Today we will be discussing leadership. What does it mean to be a leader? Why do we need leaders in the world? Do you have to do amazing things in order to be a leader? We'll also look at some profiles of leadership throughout history, leading up to our unit on Rome, where we will discuss the impact of strong leadership on the world. Here's a great speech to get you thinking:

For homework, students must finish their timelines, due tomorrow.

Sophomore Modern World:

Tuesday: Today we will be setting up our binders in preparation for the year. We will also take a few pre-tests on Geography and Following Directions to see where we stand. No homework tonight.

Wednesday: Today we will be working on Social Studies Skills in class. We will practice analyzing documents, which will be something we'll be doing very often this year. We will also talk about some other cultures, and for homework students will read and answer questions about the Nacirema Tribe, available here.

Thursday: Today we will be talking briefly about the American Revolution and the ideas of the Enlightenment across the world in the 1700s.

Here are the notes from today's class. Homework tonight is to read Section 6.2 in your book and identify the key terms on pg. 170.

Junior US II:

Tuesday: Today we will be setting up our binders in preparation for the year. We will also take a few pre-tests on Geography and Following Directions to see where we stand. No homework tonight.

Wednesday: Today in class, students will have their Summer Reading Assessment. No homework tonight.

Thursday: We will be discussing the Second Industrial Revolution today, talking mainly about some big inventions that came about in the late 1800s and how they changed our country back then, and still have a big impact on our lives today. Students will complete the corresponding questions here.


I will be gone on Friday, but students will watch "Firehouse Ten", which follows the first firefighters to respond to the World Trade Center on 9/11. The questions and homework are available here. Students must interview a friend/family member about their memories of 9/11 and write one paragraph. We will discuss more when I return on Monday.

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