03 September 2015

Week of 2-3 September

Welcome!!!! This is the blog for Mr. Howe's History Class, feel free to take a look around and familiarize yourself with it, as it will be a good resource for you to find daily work, homework assignments, and reminders. Let's have a good year! And hopefully not like this history class.

And here's a cool video about coming back to school from John Green (author of "The Fault in our Stars" and "Paper Towns"):

For homework, ALL students need to acquire a 1-1/2" binder for History, some filler paper and one divider (I can help with the divider). They also need to have parents sign the Expectations and Syllabus sheet, as well as complete the Student Survey, found here. Below are the class syllabi:

History of the Western World/US Government (Freshmen)
Modern World History (Sophomores)
US History (1877-Present) (Juniors)

Let's go learn something new!

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