20 September 2015

Week of 21-25 September

Freshman World History
Monday: Today students will finish their notes on the Fall of the Roman Republic and the Rise of the Roman Empire. Do not forget your homework packets! Due this Friday. Also, Quiz on Ancient Rome this Friday.

Tuesday: Today we will finish our notes up through the Augustan Age, then backtrack through Rome and discuss the Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome, as well as Julius Caesar's rise to power after the Gallic Wars. Homework packet due Friday! Also, Quiz on Rome from its Origins through the Augustan Age on Friday.

Wednesday: Today students will finish discussing Hannibal and the Punic Wars, and then we will read and act out an excerpt from William Shakespeare's famous play, "Julius Caesar". Lights, camera, action!!! Homework packet is due Friday.
I won't lie, your helmet's freaking me out a little.
Oh yeah? I found it on eBay, got a great deal!

Thursday: Today we will take a look at Pax Romana, which is the Roman era of peace following Emperor Augustus' rule. We will also look at what life was like for a Gladiator, and if we have time, we'll discuss the emperors of Rome and spend any time we have left doing review for the quiz tomorrow. Homework packet due tomorrow!!!

If they had iPhones in Ancient Rome.

Friday: Quiz Today!
Sophomore Modern World History
Monday: Today students will finish watching the rest of "French Revolution: Instant Expert" and for homework, students will answer four more questions from the movie. 

Tuesday: Today students will take some comprehensive notes on the events of the French Revolution, in preparation for an interesting activity tomorrow. For homework, students will be completing a worksheet on the Estates General (needs to be done for activity tomorrow!).

Just because.

Wednesday: Today students will become members of the Estates General. Students will be assigned as a member of the First, Second, or Third Estate, and will have to convene to discuss the numerous issues plaguing France. The country owes 100 million francs, and the three Estates must come together to resolve the issue. But can each Estate give up satisfy the common goals while still protecting their own rights? We shall see! Homework tonight is to ACTIVELY read the excerpt from "A Tale of Two Cities." That means underlining/annotating!

Very moving quote from A Tale of Two Cities
Thursday: Today we will have a reading quiz on "A Tale of Two Cities" to check understanding, and then we will spend the majority of the class finishing up our Estates General Activity. Let's make some deals! For homework, students will complete a map activity on the French Revolution. Prepare for a Quiz on Monday. 

"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!"
The first lines of ATOTC
Friday: Today, students will complete the notes on the French Revolution and we will discuss its impact, its outcome, its scope, and what happens next! (Hint: He was terrified of cats and open doors, and to this day it is still illegal to name a pig after him). Homework tonight is to complete a French Revolution worksheet (also has a great timeline on the back) and study for the Quiz on Monday!!!

Junior US History II
Monday: Today we will be discussing the Gettysburg Address, perhaps the most memorable of any speech delivered by a US President. We will also be answering some analytical questions about it. Here is a video of the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, VA. We will talk about the history behind the Tomb and the Cemetery and how it originates during the Civil War. We will also hear some reenactments of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

Tuesday: Today we will finish up our questions about the Gettysburg Address before we discuss the end of the war. We will be moving on to Reconstruction and its successes and failures before our short quiz on Friday.

Wednesday:  Today students will discuss the ending of the Civil War, and students will split into two teams and debate with each other to come to terms on what post-war America should look like. This will begin our lesson on Reconstruction. For homework, finish the last question on your Reconstruction Worksheet, in no less than 3 sentences. Quiz on Friday!

Thursday: Today we will finish our discussion on Reconstruction, and its successes and failures. We'll do some book work in our new textbooks to cover all of the concepts, and we'll also try to review for the quiz tomorrow, which will focus on vocab, so study your vocabulary packets!!!

Friday: Quiz today! We will also watch some CNN Student News if time permits, and prepare for our next unit on the Industrial Revolution.

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