21 October 2013

Week of 21-25 October

World History - B and D Periods

Monday we will be creating Wanted Posters for Martin Luther, and discussing some of the "greivances" the Catholic Church had against him! However, despite being excommunicated and being under the constant threat of death, he proceeded to spend his life preaching what he believed in and trying to "reform" the Catholic Church (not break away from it!). We'll also look at some of the many manifestations of Protestantism by watching this video that compares two of the more extreme denominations: Puritans and Restorationists.

Tuesday will find us talking about how the Protestant Reformation spread to England and was utilized by Henry VIII when he came into some disagreements with the Pope. We'll watch the following video about all of Henry's SIX wives, two of which he had beheaded and two of which he divorced (hint: part of the reason he broke away from the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England, AKA the Anglican Church). we will complete a timeline of Henry's life, and the final version will be placed here. Here's how it would've been if Henry VIII had been around in the age of social media!

Wednesday is a half-day, and we will discuss the shift in the Balance of Power in Europe as the Reformation spreads and the Church struggles to maintain its power. We'll also talk about life during the time of the Tudors, which was pretty funny and pretty interesting at times. For homework, students will select three vocab words from pgs. 423-433 and make a flashcard for each. Here's for all you football fans:

Thursday we will work on creating a Facebook page for Henry VIII in class, which can be found here for Period B and here for Period D. Here are some funny songs to help you remember all of his wives! For homework, students will STUDY!!!

Friday we will have a quiz on the Protestant Reformation and everything we've covered so far in the unit. For those of you looking to do some extra review, the quiz will focus on: Martin Luther and his 95 Theses, the reasons behind the Protestant Reformation, and King Henry VIII and the beginning of the Anglican Church (bonus points if you can name all of his wives!)

US History I - A Period

Monday we will be finishing our project presentations and I will vreate our interactive timeline once we are all complete! And it may be too late to apologize, but it's never too late to reinforce some of the things we've learned in this unit with a catchy song. If this doesn't at least make you chuckle, you are not human! For homework, students will be given a review packet, available here. Quick note: This packet is more for your benefit, not for mine. It will be collected on Friday before the test, but more than being a homework grade, it is EVERYTHING you need to know for the test. If you complete it, you will be all set. We will be covering some of these things in class this week, but it is mainly YOUR responsibility. Also, no current events due again this week, because of the test on Friday.

Tuesday we will discuss the alliance of France, as well as a few other significant things from the Revolutionary War, mainly the ending of the war with the American victory at Yorktown and the Treaty of Paris. Here is our graphic organizer on the Battles/Events of the War.
File:Surrender of Lord Cornwallis.jpg
Party's over, chaps!
We will also discuss what the war really means. Why do we learn so much about it as we grow up? Why is it so important for Americans to understand? And most of all, how did it come to play such a HUGE part in how the nation of America was born (and still plays a large part of our identity today!). For homework, students will read the following speech given by George Washington to his troops at the end of the war, available here

And here's a crash course in the outcome of the Revolution:

Wednesday is a half-day and we will spend the class discussing George Washington and his remarkable leadership even through the war's end, which as we've already discussed was one of his biggest redeeming qualities despite the fact that he was not the most brilliant soldier in history. For homework, students will read pgs. 118-123, with only 3 observations, 2 questions, and 1 opinion, because you have your Review Packet due on Friday!

And here's a video showing some of the differences between the Americans and the British Army, only a wee bit exaggerated:

And if you want a quick review of the unit, here's a 12-minute video that covers everything important about the American Revolution (well, kind of). This guy is almost as enthusiastic as me! ;)

Thursday we will play a game of Jeopardy to review everything in the unit before we have our.....

UNIT TEST ON FRIDAY!!!! I know you're all excited - try to calm yourselves. I love tests just as much as you do, but don't forget to study, as this will be a big part of the grade. At the same time, don't worry! If you've been doing the work, you already know it all, you just have to relax and have confidence. It's a free throw!!!