08 March 2015

Week of 9 - 13 March

Monday: Today we will begin a Jigsaw activity on the issues addressed at the Philadelphia Convention in the creation of the Constitution. Each student will be assigned one of the three issues to become an expert in, and then collaborate with the other "experts" on that issue to discuss what they learned. Then, new groups will be formed with one "expert" on each issue, and each student will teach the others about their issue. For homework, students will complete the second US map in preparation for the quiz on Friday, on the next 13 states added the Union, up to the year 1837.

Tuesday: Today we will complete the Jigsaw activity from yesterday, discuss the three big issues as a class, and look at a handout on the different compromises made. For homework, students will complete a worksheet on the Great Compromise. Due Thursday.

Wednesday: Today is Career Day! We will be hearing presentations from specialists in numerous career fields. It is also a half day, woohoo!

Thursday: Today we will begin an in-class play in which students will take the intricate roles of atendees at the Constitutional Convention. For homework, students should study their map study guide in preparation for the Map Quiz tomorrow.

"Men Wanted: For hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness. Constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success."

Friday: Map Quiz. We will continue acting out the play for the rest of class.

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