24 March 2015

Week of 23 - 27 March

Monday and Tuesday: Today we have alternating periods due to PARCC testing. In class, we will be finishing up the section on Federalism and Ratification, then spending the rest of class playing Jeopardy!
Homework tonight is to fill out a 3"x 5" index card for use on the Unit Test on Wednesday. 

Wednesday: Today is a half day. We will have our Unit Test on the Constitutional Convention, worth 50 points. Be sure to have your index card prepared so you have a leg up on the test! Study hard, sleep well, and breathe easy, and you'll do just fine. :)

A contemporary cartoon showing the states as pillars that form a foundation. As each state ratifies the Constitution, the country becomes stronger, and after New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify, the Constitution became official. But the fight was not over - eventually, the remaining 4 states would be persuaded, as well. "If it is not up, it will rise" indeed.
Thursday: More PARCC testing in the AM, and we will be playing more Jeopardy! in preparation for our Common Assessment on the Articles of Confederation and the Constitutional Convention. Assessment will only count as a quiz grade, but it is still important that you do your best!!!

Friday: Today we will (tentatively) have our Common Assessment and perhaps watch some CNN Student News. Happy Friday!!!

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