09 May 2016

Week of 9 - 13 May

Freshmen US Government
Monday: Today students will be looking at the many different departments of the Executive Branch and what they really do. We'll spend some time making Alphabet Soup, but by the time we're done, you'll know all of them! FBI, DoJ, USDA, FEMA, CIA, DoD, AG, DoEd, DoI, and so many more!!! Homework is Lesson 24 Vocab. Unit Test on Friday!

Tuesday: Today students will be learning about the Judicial Branch - what does it do, what kind of power does it have, and how does it all work? Homework is to finish the selected vocab words from your packets.

Wednesday: Today we will finish discussing the Supreme Court and how the federal court system works. Students will play a game of Judicial Bingo to review their vocabulary. Homework is to complete the Supreme Court WS on Landmark Decisions. How have these Supreme Court rulings impacted your life?

Thursday:Today students will have a substitute teacher. While I am gone, students will be completing a study guide in preparation for the test tomorrow. Homework is to study!

Friday:Today students will have a substitute teacher. Test day!

Sophomore Modern World
Monday: Today we will watch the FRONTLINE episode on the Secret State of North Korea. Students will take a look at what North Korea has become since 1953. Homework is the True/False Activity on 'Killing Castro'.

Tuesday: Today we will take a look at Cuba, the next hotspot in the Cold War. Why did the CIA attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro 638 times? What did all this tension lead up to? You might not believe some of it, like how they tried to put chemicals in his shoes to make his beard fall out, or give him a skin disease with an infected wetsuit, or give him a cigar laced with Botox, or even design a plot to kill American citizens and blame it on Cuba! Let's see how things got a little out of hand. Homework tonight is to outline pgs. 491-493 on the Cold War in Latin America.

Wednesday: Today we will reenact the Cuban Missile Crisis by having the Soviet and American delegates negotiate a peace to avoid a nuclear disaster. Will you succeed in saving the world from utter destruction? Or are we all done for? Let's find out! Homework is to study China, Korea, and Cuba for a quiz tomorrow.

Thursday:Today students will have a substitute teacher. Students will have a quiz on China, Korea, and Cuba, and then begin watching Regret to Inform, which is a very moving documentary about the women who were impacted by the Vietnam War. Students will receive one character profile and will learn all about that woman, then watch the video and learn about some others, as well. No homework.

Friday:Today students will have a substitute teacher. You will finish the movie from yesterday and proceed to meet the other women from the movie by moving around the class and interviewing each other. No homework.

Junior USII
Monday:Today students will take a look at the Holocaust, and then proceed to review in preparation for the WWII test tomorrow! Homework is to complete the study guide.

Tuesday: Today is test day! Good luck!

Wednesday:Today we are looking at the beginning of the Cold War: the Yalta Conference, the Marshall Plan, the Arms Race, and Berlin. No homework!

Thursday: Today students will have a substitute teacher. You'll be viewing this segment from the Century series on 1946-1952 and answering the corresponding questions. Have fun!

Friday: Today students will have a substitute teacher. STUDY HALL.


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