26 April 2016

Week of 25-29 April

Freshmen US Government
Monday: Review day! Study tonight for the test tomorrow! And here's some Monday Morning Motivation.

Tuesday: Today is Test Day. Eat a healthy breakfast, seriously!!!

Wednesday: Today we will begin Unit 4 (skipping Unit 3 for now) and learn more about each branch of the US government, beginning with Congress, which is set up by Article I in the Constitution. Homework is Lesson 21 vocab.

Thursday: Today we will read Lesson 21 in the textbook and take some notes with this graphic organizer. Homework is to complete the Lesson 22 vocabulary.

And a lesson on life.

Friday: Today we will finish up our notes on Lesson 21 from yesterday. Homework is to complete the "How a Bill Becomes a Law" WS. NOTE: Use your Congress in a Flash! WS to complete this!!!

Sophomore Modern World
Monday: Review day! Study tonight for the test tomorrow!

Tuesday: Test Day is the Best Day! No, not really. But you'll do great!

Wednesday: Today we will work on analyzing documents on WWII and answering corresponding questions. We'll also look at some interesting WWII facts. Bet you didn't know! Homework is to complete the United Nations WS.

Thursday: Today we will begin our unit on the Cold War. Here are the notes. Why was it called a "Cold" war? We'll look at it's origins int he post-WWII world. Homework tonight is the handout on the Yalta Conference.

Friday: Today we will look into the Yalta Conference and the creation of the UN, then we'll be reading some primary policy documents from the Cold War Era. Homework is to complete the questions on the reading packet.

Junior USII
Monday: Review day! No homework. And here's an awesome story from WWII about a bear who served in the Polish Army. Yes, a bear.

Tuesday: Today we will discuss the American homefront, as well as the invasion of North Africa with Operation Torch and the followup invasion of Europe with Operation Overlord. No homework tonight.

Wednesday: Today we will cover from D-Day up to the Battle of the Bulge, and then we will begin watching Episode 6 of Band of Brothers, "Bastogne." Here are the notes. And here are the movie questions. No homework tonight.

Thursday: Today we will continue Band of Brothers. For homework, work on the movie questions.

Friday: Today we'll finish Band of Brothers. Your movie questions will be due at the end of class. Homework is the 24.4 WS. 

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