22 March 2016

Week of 21-25 March

Freshman US Government
Tuesday: Today the Dragons have an assembly block 4, so our test will be moved one more day to tomorrow. Now you have no excuses not to have studied!!!!!

Wednesday: Test day!

Thursday: Movie Day!

Sophomore Modern World
Tuesday: Today students will begin by taking a quick pop quiz on what they've learned so far. Then we will be looking at the advancement of the Axis powers into the Mediterranean and North Africa, and finish up by speaking about Operation Barbarossa, when Hitler turned on Stalin and attacked the USSR. Notes hereHomework tonight is to read pgs. 444-446 and complete the corresponding worksheet.

Wednesday: Good luck on MCAS!

Thursday: Today we will talk about Operation Barbarossa, which would prove to be a mistake of "Napoleonic" proporitions for Hitler. We will also work on a map of the campaigns in Europe and North Africa. Homework is to finish the map.

Junior USII
Tuesday: Today we will be completing a stock market simulation as the first activity of our unit on the Great Depression. Students will get a stock prospectus and invest their money in companies of their choosing. We'll see who makes it out of the decade without losing their fortune!!!

Wednesday: Today we will finish our stock market activity and begin taking notes on the Great Depression. Notes are available here. Homework tonight is the 23.1 WS. 

Thursday: Today we will continue taking notes on the Great Depression, talking about Hoovervilles, the Dust Bowl (see song below). and the "New Deal." We'll also look at the intriguing Business Plot of 1933, a conspiracy in which the leaders of American industry planned to overthrow the president, but were stopped by a man named Smedley Darlington Butler (who also had two Medals of Honor!). Homework is the 23.2 WS.

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