29 February 2016

Week of 29 February - 4 March

Freshmen US Government
Monday: Today we will finish our Jigsaw activity from Friday and review the vocab from lesson 2. Homework tonight is to complete the Lesson 2 WS. Prepare for a quiz on Thursday/Friday.

Tuesday: No school for Super Tuesday. Remind your parents to hit the polls, and maybe even ask them about their opinions on politics, or visit the polls with them!

Wednesday: Today students will review Lesson 2 and then move on to Lesson 3, discussing the specific constructs that influenced the thinking of the Founding Fathers, like private vs. public morality and Judeo-Christian doctrine. We will also go over the vocab of Lesson 3 together. Homework is the Lesson 3 WS.

Thursday: Today we will be discussing the Magna Carta, or the Great Charter, which was a historic document written by Robin Hood. Well, that's what Hollywood says, and if it's in a movie, it must be true, right??? Here are the notes. We will also look at the Mayflower Compact, as these documents influenced the Founding Fathers in their creation of the Constitution. Homework tonight is the Lesson 4 WS.

Friday:Today we will review for the upcoming quiz on Monday, on lessons 1-4 on the Foundations of US Government. Study this weekend!!! Flashcards always help!

Sophomore Modern World
Monday: Today students will conduct a simulation of the Stock Market in the 1920s. 5 students will be selected as brokers, and will sell shares of actual companies from the '20s to investors. Then we will open the market for trading and see what kind of fluctuation occurs and why. Who can prove themselves business-savvy enough to become a millionaire?!?! Spoiler alert: This may not end well.

Tuesday: No school for Super Tuesday! Who would you vote for if you were able?

Wednesday: Students will immediately complete the stock market simulation we began on Tuesday, and we'll see who made the biggest profit from their original $500! We will then discuss the Weimar Republic in Germany and analyze why it failed to bring stability to the region. We'll also look at the hyperinflation that spread throughout Germany. Homework is to outline 15.3 (here's the skeleton).

Thursday: Today we will have an open-notes reading quiz on 15.2 and 3. Then we will be discussing post-war Europe and specifically the Weimar Republic in Germany and the rise of Fascism. Here are the notes. Homework tonight is to read 'National Socialism in Germany' and answer the attached questions.

Friday: Today we will look deeper into the Rise of Fascism, specifically in Italy and Germany. Here are the notes. Homework is the Fascism WS. And be ready to answer on Monday: How do economic problems affect politics?

Junior USII
Monday: Today we will try to finish watching The Lost Battalion, focusing on the technology of warfare, other countries' views towards America, and especially the opinions of many of the American soldiers towards fighting in a European war. Question to consider: Why did the US enter the war? And do you think it was necessary/unnecessary? No homework tonight.
"Luke.....I am your father.......
And, uh, this is Darth Fido."
Tuesday: No school today. Tell your parents to

Wednesday: We will finally finish the movie! Also, we will look at some more profiles of heroism from American "doughboys." Homework is to complete the WWI Section 2 WS.

hith henry johnson

Thursday: Today we will analyze the case of Schenck v. US, in which a man argued that the government could not force someone into conscription (mandatory military service) because it was equal to slavery, and when he was jailed for speaking his mind, he argued that it was a violation of his First Amendment. Should laws change in times of war? Were the courts correct in their ruling? Let's debate!!!

Friday: Today we will analyze Schenck's argument against the Supreme Court, and look at some of the concerns of espionage felt by the US Government. Who's right? WHo's wrong? You'll have to pick a side, and even more, you'll have to convince your opponents to join your side!!!! Homework tonight is the WWI Section 4 WS.

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