22 September 2013

Week of 23-27 September

World History CP1 - B and D Periods

Welcome to the new blog, everyone!

This week, we'll be watching a movie on Castles on Monday and answering some questions to go along with it.

On Tuesday, we'll wrap up the rest of the movie, and then go over the homework packets from last week, correcting them and preparing for a quiz! For homework, we'll be reviewing a handout on Medieval Literature and answering a few short questions. You may find the homework handout below in case you misplace or lose it. Due on Friday.

Medieval Literature Homework

Bodiam Castle in East Sussex, England

Wednesday, we'll have student council elections at the beginning of class, and when we return we're going to briefly cover the dreaded Black Death. The following videos are extremely accurate depictions of what the bubonic plague were like. (Well, not really, but they are pretty educational.)

This video is a little more scholarly.

We will fill out an interactive worksheet as we learn about the Black Death, which is available at this link (the worksheet, NOT the Black Death):

The Black Death Worksheet

Thursday, we'll be having a QUIZ!!!!! Make sure you spend some time reviewing your notes and homework packet on Wednesday night, so you are prepared. It will be a short, multiple-choice quiz with questions on everything we've covered on the Middle Ages so far, so be ready! And don't forget, you get to use all of your notes, so make sure your binder is organized before Thursday (that means not on Thursday morning right before the quiz!). I'll explain some more about the quiz in class, and if you have any questions, just ask.

Friday, we'll do a fun activity as we learn about the Magna Carta, which is Latin for "Great Charter." I won't give away any details now, but I will say that it involves the movie Robin Hood, and texting (or is it "txting"?).

The actual Magna Carta

"Our liberties are Number One!" says Russell Crowe.

And here are the Magna Carta Notes.

Over the weekend, you may want to begin working on the Judaism and Christianity Packet, which will be due on Tuesday, October 1st.

Let's learn something new!