Monday: Today we will finish grading our citizenship tests, and see if we have what it takes to be a citizen of the USA! And no worries, if you do poorly, this video will make you feel better.
Then we'll look back to the Enlightenment, where we left off last semester, and transition to America. Here are the notes. No homework tonight.
Tuesday: Today we will debate some controversial aspects of government control, and discuss exactly how much power the government should have. Then, we'll continue our notes on the Enlightenment, and take a look at the ideologies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. No homework.
Wednesday: Today we will complete our notes, and have a challenging discussion over the principles of Locke vs. Hobbes. Students will bring in outside evidence from their own experiences to provide evidence behind their arguments, giving a wider context to the debate. Which is it, truly - nature or nurture? Homework is to complete the Enlightenment WS that was started in class., and bring you rtextbooks into class tomorrow!!!!!
Thursday: Today we will work in small groups on a Hobbes vs. Locke packet, and you will make your final decisions as to who you agree with more. Homework is to complete this packet in full.
Monday: Today we will finish watching Here Comes the Boom, and then begin discussion of our next unit on China and India in the Interwar Period. For homework, outline 14.3 in your books. Here is a skeleton outline to help you organize your notes.
Tuesday: Today we will conduct a recap of the Russian Revolution. Here are the notes.
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Hey!!! The Communist Party looks like a lot of fun!!!![]() |
Thursday: We will create a venn diagram today comparing and contrasting Mao and Jiang.
Monday: Today juniors have a NAVIANCE training with the guidance counselors, to instruct them on the college-application program. No homework tonight.
Tuesday: Today we will finish watching Here Comes the Boom. After, we will begin discussing our unit on WWI and the Roaring '20s. No homework tonight.
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Click here for the full-size infographic. |
I - Industrialization
M - Militarism
A - Alliances
N - Nationalism
I - Imperialism
A - Assassination
Thursday: Today we will finish our notes from Wednesday, and then do an activity that looks at the complex alliances formed between European countries. For homework, students will read a handout detailing the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and answer the followup question.
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