Monday we will finish up our discussion on Judaism and learn about the onset of Christianity and its growth through the Roman Empire into Modern Times. Homework tonight is to do the Islam Column in your packets.
Here's a quick history of Christianity.
Tuesday students will finish learning the history and culture of Christianity, and for homework they will read the handout on Islam and answer the accompanying 10 questions on a separate sheet of paper.
Thursday we will finish up Christianity and begin our discussion on Islam. Homework tonight is the write 5 "Rules of Life", like the 5 Pillars of Islam.
Not only had Nabiollah memorized the entire Qu'ran by the age of 10, and competed in the most challenging competition for recitation, but he did so in Arabic, which wasn't even his native language!!!
Friday I will be out, so students will complete their 5 Pillars of Islam WS (front side) and receive a packet on Abrahamic Religions on which they will take organized notes. Homework over the weekend is to complete the classwork.
Sophomore Modern World
Monday we will finish up our labor union/management negotiations and then complete our notes on the labor movement. Homework will be to reflect on the Unionization activity in one paragraph, preferably typed.
Tuesday we will debrief on the Unionization activity, then finish our notes on the Labor Movement. We will then begin the final portion of this unit, the birth of new Economic Systems. For homework, students will read and outline 9.4 in their textbooks.
Thursday we will begin discussing the emerging economic systems following the Industrial Revolution, Capitalism and Communism. Homework is to complete the 9.4 WS.

Today I will be out, so students will have a substitute. After handing in their starter, students will take an Open Notes Quiz on 9.3 and 4, then complete a worksheet on Economic Systems. For homework, students will complete a reading on the Communist Manifesto and answer Questions 1-5 on a seperate sheet of paper.
Junior USII
Monday we will review Chapter 4 and then continue working on our Labor Movement packet.
Tuesday students will learn about different Labor Unions and their objectives and outcomes, and do more work in their Labor Movement packets, completing page 106B for homework tonight.
Thursday we will look at a number of the strikes that occurred in the late 1800s and see what actions were taken and what the outcome was. Begin preparing for the unit test next Wednesday.
Friday I will be out. Students will complete a DBQ packet, answering questions about different primary source documents with the ultimate goal of writing an essay. The goal for this class is ONLY to complete all of the questions. Homework is to achieve this goal.
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