Monday we will be going over Justinian's Code, with some notes. Homework tonight will be to complete a worksheet on Justinian and Theodora. Quiz on Thursday!
Tuesday we will finish our notes by discussing the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastwern Orthodox Churches. We will then work on creating a Tombstone Epitaph for the Emperor Justinian. Homework will be to finish the tombstone activity (with color!!!).

Wednesday we will review for the Byzantine Empire Quiz on Thursday. Format will be 10 fill-in-the-blanks and 5 vocab connections, where you will receive two vocab words and you will have to explain how they are connected. Homework tonight is to use your notes to complete the study guide thought web, and STUDY, so you don't end up like THIS GUY!

Thursday, we will have our quiz. It shouldn't take too long, and for homework students will be analyzing a primary source about the Fall of Constantinople, which they may begin working on as soon as they finish their quiz. Worry not! You'll have the whole period to take the quiz if you need it. :)

Friday, we will begin our new mini-unit on World Religions, which will help us better understand a lot of the conflicts we'll learn about in the next unit on the Middle Ages. Students will be exploring each of the major world religions to get a better understanding of some of the cultures and conflicts which we will be discussing. Here is the map you will be completing for homework, in order to get familiar with some of the places we'll be discussing.
HERE is a great website with information on each religion.
Sophomore Modern World
Today we will be taking some more notes, and discussing our worksheet titled "The Opening of the Liverpool to Manchester Railway." Homework tonight is to take notes on 9.2 in the textbook, A Case Study of Manchester, England.
Tuesday we will continue to discuss the Railway Age, and see just how important the Railroad would prove as a catalyst for the Industrial Revolution. Homework will be to read a handout on The Steam Engine by James Watt and answer question sets A and B. And study for tomorrow's open-note quiz on 9.1 and 2 in your book!
Wednesday we will be having an open-notes quiz on 9.1 and 9.2. You may use your own notes from the two sections. Then we will be talking about migration and urbanization. Tonight for homework, students will complete a Link to Literature WS on a reading from Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. Answer questions on a separate sheet.
Thursday, students will be discussing Urbanization and the mass migration from rural areas to urban ones, from farms to factories. We will also create charts detailing all of the new inventions in the Textile Industry alone (a lot!!!) Homework will be to read an excerpt of Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell. Remember, we read actively!
Friday we will have a short. 3-question reading quiz on the homework last night. Then, we will pair up and complete our charts on Textile Inventions. We'll finish class with some notes, and for homework, students will read 'Farm or Factory?' and answer Review Questions #1-5 as well as Part B.
Junior USII
Monday we will be peer-editing our rough drafts of our essays, and then heading to the computer lab to begin work on our final drafts. For homework, students will complete their final draft, TYPED. This entire assignment is worth a quiz grade.
Tuesday we will be exploring the concepts of vertical and horizontal integration in businesses, and what it means to own a Monopoly! Students will deisgn their own business flow charts in class.

Wednesday, students will complete their flowcharts in class, and for homework is there is not enough time in class.

Thursday we will be discussing Rockefeller and Carnegie, and defining two new words: philanthropist and robber-baron. We will be learning more about and then critiquing Rockefeller and Carnegie. Homework will be to complete the classwork.

Friday, we will finish discussing philanthropy and robber barons. We will work on an activity analyzing Rockefeller today. Homework is to finish the classwork.
And here is a glance at Henry Ford's attempt at building his own city in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest, Fordlandia:

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