Hope you all had a nice weekend! We've got a full week ahead of us.
On Monday, we'll have a visit from Mrs. Getchell, the guidance counselor, who will be helping students map out their academic year. Don't forget, you're Judaism and Christianity Homework Packets are due Tuesday!
Tuesday and Wednesday will be spent in the computer lab, working on out Fictional Middle Ages Character Project (Handout and Rubric available in the post from 16-20 September), which is due on October 9th. You'll have some time to do more research and begin your project in earnest, as well as ask any questions you might have concerning your character. We'll also go over acceptable research sources before we begin. For homework, you will skim (not read) pgs. 225-230, and write down 5 questions.
Thursday will find us learning about Benedictine Rule and the lives of Monks and Nuns. Students will take a vow of silence for the class period as we illuminate some Christian texts in order to better grasp the lives of those who chose lives of isolation out of devotion to God. We will also be meditating as we listen to Salve Regina, one of the chants of the Knights Templar (who were a brotherhood of monk-warriors established during the time of the Crusades!).
On Friday, we will be learning about Medieval Cathedrals, how they were designed and what role they played in the society of the Middle Ages. We'll also be doing a group activity where you'll work as a team to identify and properly locate all of the unique architectural aspects of cathedrals. For homework, you will be completing two worksheets, one on the Early Church and Benedictine Rule to review what we've done and one on the Crusades to prepare for what we'll learn next week! Also, PROGRESS REPORTS are going home! They must be signed by parents and returned for a homework grade on Monday. If you want to get a better grade, the best way to start is by turning this in, and then we'll work on it!

Don't forget to keep checking back throughout the week, as the blog is updated every day!!!
US History I - A Period
Welcome to the blog!
If this is your first time using it, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the layout - my hope is that this will become a great resource for you for the rest of the semester.
On Monday, we'll begin a new unit on the Revolutionary War. We'll do a brief recap on the events leading up to the breakout of the war, and then we'll learn a little about the "Shot Heard 'Round the World," the Battles of Lexington and Concord. We'll also dispel some of the myths about Paul Revere (who was arrested, while his two lesser-known partners went on to warn everyone), and Minutemen. We'll be accompanied by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Paul Revere's Ride" and Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Concord Hymn".
The Old North Bridge |
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The Centennial Old North Bridge Monument in Concord, MA |
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Those Minutemen meant business. |
Tuesday will find us learning more about the progression of the war, including the Battle of Bunker Hill (which didn't take place on Bunker Hill!) We'll also take a look at a guy named Thomas Paine, who had a lot of "Common Sense" back in his day, as well as the ideological battle between Patriots and Loyalists. And no, the Loyalists are not a new NFL team.
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Bunker Hill Monument in Boston, MA |
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"From the errors of other nations, let us learn wisdom." |
And just to hear what the Colonists back then might have heard, a very famous speech from Patrick Henry (grandly acted out in a 1936 film, "Give Me Liberty").
Wednesday, we will begin learning about the Declaration of Independence, and how it strenuously came into existence during the Second Continental Congress. (Interesting fact: Independence was a radical idea! Most of the Patriots just wanted the rights they thought they deserved as Englishmen.) You will also be assigned your Unit Project, which you can find extra copies of here. This project will require you to become the "in-class expert" on one battle and teach it to the rest of the class. We'll go over it in more detail on Thursday, and you will choose three events you'd prefer. Also for homework is the Declaration of Independence Worksheet, due on FRIDAY. Remember, it's worth 3 homework grades, so you really want to get this one done!!! And as a sweet bonus for those of you reading the blog, focus on the First Section of the omitted parts of the Declaration Draft (Hint: He's referring to slavery).
Thursday and Friday, we'll be watching a movie! It will be from HBO's John Adams, and is a very interesting portrayal of John Adams's role in drafting the Declaration and pressing Congress for support in declaring independence. Fun stuff! And for homework, you'll be reading a 6-page excerpt on the American Revolution and filling out a worksheet. The back side of the worksheet may take the longest, so plan ahead and don't forget! This will be due on Tuesday in case anyone has any extraneous plans over the weekend, but don't leave it until the last minute!!! And if you print it from the link above, save it first, so the formatting is correct.
Don't forget to keep checking back throughout the week, as the blog is updated every day!!!