23 November 2015

Week of 23 - 25 November

Freshmen World History
Monday we will be learning how to meditate. We will also review World Religions and the Byzantine Empire before moving on to our next unit. Homework tonight will be to read Chapter 13, Section 1 in your textbook and define all of the Vocabulary words (there are 6 of them).
Tuesday we will take our first real look at the Middle Ages. The Middle of What??? No homework tonight - except Dragons, complete classwork.

"You should meditate for at least 20 minutes every day, unless you are busy -
then you should meditate for an hour."
Wednesday we will have short periods, so we will be going over some brief notes on the Kingdom of the Franks, available here. Homework will be to complete the Frankish Kings WS available here. Note: The Tigers will not have class today, but are still responsible for the homework!

Have a great Thanksgiving!!!!

Sophomore Modern World
Monday students will be reviewing Latin American revolutions and moving on to discuss the Unification of Italy in the 1800s. Notes are available here. Homework will be to finish the Italian Map WS and the accompanying timeline. 

Tuesday we will be learning about Otto von Bismarck and the Unification of Germany in the 1800s, including the ideas of "Blood and Iron" and realpolitik. Homework is to Outline 8.3 in your books.

Some other Notorious OVB quoteworthies:
"If you like laws and sausages, you should not watch either one being made."
"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied."
"If you want to fool the world, tell the truth."
"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election."

Wednesday we will wrap up German Unification, then students will talk about the 1830 and 1848 Revolutions across Europe that may have failed, but certainly showed a new tide of nationalism across the continent. For homework, students will read and complete the packet titled "Europe Faces Revolutions." The last page (liberalism, conservativism, etc.) is NOT necessary.

Have a great Thanksgiving!!!!

Junior USII
Monday students will be discussing immigration further, filling out our charts on page 100 and reviewing the chart on page 103 of our packets. Homework tonight is to define the vocabulary words in the 7.1 packets tudents were given in class today.

Tuesday we will be going over New Immigration and Nativism again, with these notes. For homework, students will be writing about immigration and the "American Dream." What is it? Is it real? If yes, how do you achieve it, and if not, why not? Also think about famous people from history or modern athletes or celebrities who seem like they may have achieved the American Dream.

"How the Other Half Lives" - Jacob Riis
No class for us on Wednesday due to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey students will be taking. Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

16 November 2015

Week of 16-20 November

Freshmen World History

Monday we will talk a little about the events in Paris over this past weekend. We will then discuss Islam and the Five Pillars, which are as follows:

Homework tonight is to complete the Venn Tri-agram, comparing and contrasting the three Abrahamic religions. Have at least one belief in each bubble!

Tuesday we will dive a little deeper into Islam and do a fun activity where students will have to learn some Arabic!!! For homework, students must watch the following two videos and answer the corresponding questions about the Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam. 

Wednesday we will recap our Arabic activity and then move on to Hinduism and Buddhism. Homework tonight will be to complete the Hinduism and Buddhism Columns in your packets.

Thursday we will finish our discussion of Buddhism and look at the sacred texts of Hinduism (Bhagavad-Gita excerpt) and Buddhism(story of Siddharta Gautama). Homework tonight is to study!!! Everything in your binder, from the Byzantine Empire through World Religions.

Here is a fun Byzantine Empire Hangman Game.
Byzantine Jeopardy
World Religions Jeopardy

Friday is our Unit Test on the Byzantine Empire and World Religions. Study well!!! No homework tonight.

Here's a great scene on complete awareness from The Peaceful Warrior (2006).

Sophomore Modern World

Monday we will talk a little about the events in Paris over this past weekend. We will then move onto a great activity where students will each receive some pieces of candy, and will have to play Rock, Paper, Scissors to see if they can win more. We will test the theories of Adam Smith (Capitalism, laissez-faire, the "Invisible Hand") and Karl Marx (Communism, class struggle, economic equality). Homework will be to test your opinions on Capitalism with the 2-8 WS. TEST ON WEDNESDAY!!!

Tuesday students will ask any questions they may have about Capitalism or Communism, and then we will review for tomorrow's test. The video above will help you immensely! STUDY TONIGHT!!!

Wednesday students will be taking their Unit 2 Test, on the Industrial Revolution, from it's beginning in Great Britain, to the Labor Movement, to the development of new Economic Theories. No homework tonight!!!

Thursday we will begin our new unit by discussing the Spread of Democracy to Great Britain, and also the rise of Nationalism, which will be our main focus. We will do a quick Jigsaw Activity on the Growth of Democracy in Great Britain, and then we will move on to Nationalism Notes. Homework is to read your packet on Democratic reform and Activism and complete all the questions.

Friday we will move onto Latin American Revolutions, focusing on Haiti, Spanish South America, Brazil, and Mexico. Notes are here. And here is the chart we will use. Homework is the worksheet on Toussaint L'Ouverture.

Junior USII

Monday we will talk a little about the events in Paris over this past weekend. Then we will take a look at the DBQ questions students answered over the Weekend in preparation for our DBQ essay. Homework tonight is to work on the Unit Vocab Review.

Tuesday we will review before our test on Wesdnesday. Finish the Review Guide tonight!!!!!

Wednesday we have our Unit Test! Study that vocab well, and get a good night's sleep tonight.

And no, that is not a correct answer...
Thursday we will begin talking about Immigration in the US from the 1800s to the early 1900s. We'll discuss the Push/Pull Factors and what that means, and also what the Push/Pull Factors are for immigrants today. Homework will be to read and answer the questions in pags. 98 and 99 in your packets.

Friday we will continue discussing immigration, including the difference between "New and Old Immigration." We will also complete the chart on pg. 100 in your packet. Homework will be pgs. 101-103 in the packet. Have a great weekend!

09 November 2015

Week of 9-13 November

Freshmen World History
Monday we will finish up our discussion on Judaism and learn about the onset of Christianity and its growth through the Roman Empire into Modern Times. Homework tonight is to do the Islam Column in your packets.

Here's a quick history of Christianity.

Tuesday students will finish learning the history and culture of Christianity, and for homework they will read the handout on Islam and answer the accompanying 10 questions on a separate sheet of paper.

Thursday we will finish up Christianity and begin our discussion on Islam. Homework tonight is the write 5 "Rules of Life", like the 5 Pillars of Islam. 

Not only had Nabiollah memorized the entire Qu'ran by the age of 10, and competed in the most challenging competition for recitation, but he did so in Arabic, which wasn't even his native language!!!

Friday I will be out, so students will complete their 5 Pillars of Islam WS (front side) and receive a packet on Abrahamic Religions on which they will take organized notes. Homework over the weekend is to complete the classwork.

Sophomore Modern World
Monday we will finish up our labor union/management negotiations and then complete our notes on the labor movement. Homework will be to reflect on the Unionization activity in one paragraph, preferably typed.

Tuesday we will debrief on the Unionization activity, then finish our notes on the Labor Movement. We will then begin the final portion of this unit, the birth of  new Economic Systems. For homework, students will read and outline 9.4 in their textbooks.

Thursday we will begin discussing the emerging economic systems following the Industrial Revolution, Capitalism and Communism. Homework is to complete the 9.4 WS.

Today I will be out, so students will have a substitute. After handing in their starter, students will take an Open Notes Quiz on 9.3 and 4, then complete a worksheet on Economic Systems. For homework, students will complete a reading on the Communist Manifesto and answer Questions 1-5 on a seperate sheet of paper.

Junior USII
Monday we will review Chapter 4 and then continue working on our Labor Movement packet.

Tuesday students will learn about different Labor Unions and their objectives and outcomes, and do more work in their Labor Movement packets, completing page 106B for homework tonight.

Thursday we will look at a number of the strikes that occurred in the late 1800s and see what actions were taken and what the outcome was. Begin preparing for the unit test next Wednesday.

Friday I will be out. Students will complete a DBQ packet, answering questions about different primary source documents with the ultimate goal of writing an essay. The goal for this class is ONLY to complete all of the questions. Homework is to achieve this goal.

02 November 2015

Week of 2 - 6 November

Freshmen World History

Monday we will take a look at our maps of the Middle East and get comfortable with some of the places we will be referring to when it comes to the birth of World Religions. The we will talk a little about Judaism, one of the oldest religions of the ones we'll be discussing. Tonight for homework, students will begin work on their Judaism and Christianity packet. Due Wednesday.

Wednesday we will continue our discussion of Judaism and Christianity. For homework, students will complete the Judaism column in their Religions Packet. 

HERE is another great website about World Religions.

Thursday we will finish up our discussion of Judaism and review some of the facts, then move on to Christianity. Homework today will be to complete the 'Christianity' column in your Religion packets, AND do the Christianity and Judaism Worksheets Questions.

Friday is our Veterans Guest Speaker Program, so we will be visited by a local veteran who will share their story with us. Bring your best behavior and good questions! Today is also the final day of Term 1 - any makeup work must be handed into the homework bins.

Sophomore Modern World

Monday we will begin talking about class tensions that will arise as an unintended consequence of the Industrial Revolution, with the creation of a middle class and an ever-growing gap between the lower and upper classes. For homework, students will read 9.3 and take notes.

Wednesday we will continue discussing class tensions and the rise of the Labor Movement in reaction to the poor working and living conditions during the Industrial Revolution. For homework, students will read the Yorkshire Cloth Workers' Petition and answer the questions. Also, Current Events are due on Friday!!!

Thursday we will discuss more about Trade Unions and do a fun activity where students will negotiate a deal between laborers and managers. For homework, students will complete the Map WS on the Industrial Revolution.

Friday is our Veterans Guest Speaker Program, so we will be visited by a local veteran who will share their story with us. Bring your best behavior and good questions! Today is also the final day of Term 1 - any makeup work must be handed into the homework bins.

Junior USII

Monday students will debate the regulation of business - should businesses be controlled by the government? And if so, when and how? We'll talk about the concept of laissez-faire and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Homework is to study vocab from the unit, in preparation for the Quiz on Wednesday. Use your vocab packets!!!

Wednesday, we have a quiz on the Industrial Revolution, and then we will get back to work on the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

Thursday we will finish discussing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and begin a packet on the Labor Movement. For homework, students will read Chapter 4 and complete a worksheet.

Friday is our Veterans Guest Speaker Program, so we will be visited by a local veteran who will share their story with us. Bring your best behavior and good questions! Today is also the final day of Term 1 - any makeup work must be handed into the homework bins.