Monday: Today we are taking an introductory look into Unit 2, which will focus specifically on the US Constitution and its creation. Homework is Lesson 8 Vocab (on vocabulary packet).
Tuesday: Today we're talking all about the Articles of Confederation, which was the new America's first attempt at a unified government. And we'll talk about why it FAILED! Unit notes are here. Homework tonight is the Shays' Rebellion WS.
Wednesday: Half-day! Today we will finish the Articles of Confederation chart from yesterday. Here are the notes to go along with it. Homework is Lesson 9 Vocab.
Thursday: Today we will explore Lesson 9 and talk about the Constirutional Convention. Notes here. For homework, students will read and complete the picture questions in the CC packet.
Friday: Today students will complete a jigsaw activity, where each student will focus on one of the three big issues at the Convention and become an expert in it, then present it to other students, who will be doing the same with their topic. By the end, you will all get to learn from each other! Homework is Lesson 10 vocab.
Sophomore Modern World
Monday: Today we will take a look into the beginning of the war in the Pacific. We'll begin with some Japanese history and the Way of the Warrior, bushido. We will also talk about the Meiji Restoration and the rise of Japanese militarism and imperialism. Homework is to read the article on the Rape of Nanking and answer the corresponding questions.
Tuesday: We will continue yesterday's lesson, focusing on bushido and the intial Japanese push through Asia. Notes here. Homework is the Pearl Harbor Speech Analysis. Speech is below.
Wednesday: Today we will dicuss Japanese Imperialism, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the US mobilization, including the internment of all Japanese-Americans. Homework is to complete the reading about the Bataan Death March and Korematsu v. US and answer the questions.
Thursday: Today we will discuss the morality of war, and students will have a guided debate about Korematsu v. US. Does war change "right vs. wrong"? Was it constitutional for the president to remove habeas corpus in order to detain all Japanese-Americans? Should people be held accountable for what they do in wartime? Homework is to outline 16.1 and 2.
Friday: Today we will be conducting bombing runs. Students will conduct a bombing mission on various targets located within Wompatuck State Map in order to destroy the enemy's ability to effectively supply, support, and maintain their military strength. However, carpet bombing comes with a price - is the cost of civilian deaths an acceptable one? We'll start by looking at this map of the London blitz, which shows nearly every bomb dropped on London by the Luftwaffe. Remember the question Robert McNamara presents: Can something be moral if we win, but immoral if we lose? Homework is to finish the classwork and study for the quiz on Monday.
Junior USII
Monday: Today we will talk more about President Hoover, and the transition America made to FDR and the New Deal. How did FDR attempt to "fix" the US? And what were the three goals of the New Deal? Relief, Recovery, and Reform!!! Notes are here. Homework is 23.3 WS.
Tuesday: Today we are talking some alphabet soup. No, really! Well, minus the soup part. We'll talk about the CCC, FERA, FDIC, TVA, PWA, SEC, SSB, and WPA. Don't mix them up!!! Homework is 23.4 WS.
Wednesday: Halfday! Today we will begin the Century series' edition on the Great Depression. No homework, but prepare for a quiz on Friday!
Thursday: Today we will continue the movie from yesterday.

Friday: Today we will finish the notes and review for the quiz, which will be on Monday. Study the Great Depression and the New Deal this weekend!!!