Monday: Today students will discuss the fall of Rome and the different causes of Rome's eventual demise. Students will choose one of ten theories and become the expert on it, answering questions about it and then drawing a visual representation and outlining the main ideas behind the theory. For homework, students will complete their picture (with color) and three main ideas.

Tuesday: Today, students will present, discuss, and consolidate all of the theories behind the Fall of Rome. For homework, students will read page 177 in their textbook, and answer #1-3 on a separate sheet of paper.
Wednesday: Today students will finish their group work from yesterday. For homework, students will complete a timeline on the rise and fall of Rome (only the backside!!!) AND finish the Theories on the Fall of Rome WS.
Here is a great timeline to use!
Thursday: Today we will briefly finish discussing the Fall of the Roman Empire, and then we will move onto the contributions of Ancient Rome towards modern society. Students will begin developing a paragraph on the Fall of Rome, choosing three of the top ten theories and arguing them. For homework, students will read Chapter 6.5 (pgs. 178-183) and complete this companion worksheet. Also, students' paragraphs' on the fall of Rome are due on Monday!
Friday: Today we will move onto the contributions of Ancient Rome towards modern society, seeing just what elements of Roman culture and history lasted throughout the ages. Notes are here. Finish your paragraph for homework!!!
Sophomore Modern World
Monday: Today students will take a quiz to assess what we've learned thus far on the French Revolution, and then we will work on an activity concerning national anthems. For homework, students will have to answer these questions on the American and French National Anthems.
Tuesday: Today students will be comparing the national anthems of America ("The Star-Spangled Banner) and France ("La Marseillaise"). We will then compare and contrast the revolutions that took place in both countries. For homework, students will complete a short reading and some questions on "A Radical Government" worksheet.
Wednesday: Today students will continue comparing the American and French Revolutions by pairing up and tracking the events of each, and how they were similar in scope, yet different in nature. For homework, students will complete a reading packet on the French revolution, due Friday.

Robespierre finally argued against the death penalty later on in life... as in, right before it was used on him. |
How I feel some days when students won't stop talking in class...
Thursday: Today we will briefly discuss the parallel events that occurred in the French and American Revolutions, and then we will move on to finish the notes on the End of the French Revolution, so that tomorrow we can start talking about.....

Friday: NAPOLEON!!!!! In class today, we will take some more notes on Napoleon, and also compare a speech from William Shakespeare ("We few, we happy few...") to some speeches from Napoleon himself in order to analyze what type of leader Napoleon was. For homework, students will read 7.3 and 4 and complete this worksheet, due TUESDAY.
Junior US II
Monday: Today students will begin the new unit on the Industrial Revolution in America by discussing technology and how much we depend on it every day. Students will be working on a paragraph about how they would live their life if they did not have some of the inventions we use every day. For homework, students will read complete a paragraph on what their life would be like without modern inventions and technology.
Tuesday: Today students will complete this worksheet in conjunction with the new chapter in Call to Freedom! We will continue discussing the Industrial Revolution in America after the Civil War. For homework, students will read Chapter 3 in their textbook and answer Questions 1-8 (multiple choice) at the end of the chapter.

Wednesday: Today students will work on completing their Industrial Revolution Graphic Organizers from yesterday. Then, we will watch a segment from America: The Story of Us on industrialization, the Bessemer process, and building skyscrapers (not a fun job!!!)

Thursday: Today we will finish watching the episode of America: The Story of Us, and discuss it. We will then work toward completing our vocabulary packets for the unit. For homework tonight, students will complete the Critical Thinking Activity on page 32 in their books.
Friday: Today students will watch CNN Student News and work on the chapter vocabulary packet for the Industrial Revolution. For homework, students will draw visual representations OR write original sentences for each of the vocabulary words we went over in class today.