Monday: Today we will be finishing our discussion on alternative energy sources like hydroelectricty, solar power, and biofuel.We will also discuss the importance of alternative, renewable energy sources.We will end class by beginning a discussion on the Amazon Rain Forest. Also, your research paragraph is due today. No homework tonight.
Tuesday: Today will move on to a new lesson on the land use conflict in the Amazon Rain Forest, and how six different groups differ in their opinion of how the Amazon should be used, and how it should be split up between Amazonian tribes, rubber tappers, loggers, settlers, cattle ranchers, and environmentalists.
For homework, write 2-3 sentences in response to the following question: Should the Amazon Rain Forest be preserved or used for its resources, or both? Why or why not? Remember, this question is just an opinion, don't do any research!!! I just want your own thoughts!

Wednesday: Today is a half day, and we will begin looking at the perspectives of these six different groups in the Amazon. We will also talk about Fordlandia, which was Henry Ford's (like the car company) attempt at building his own town in the Amazon Rain Forest. It didn't work out so well...

Thursday: We will dive deeper into our discussion of the Land Use Conflict in the Amazon today, finishing our research of the different interest groups, and clarify any information as well as answer any questions you might have. For homework, you will have to write 4-5 sentences on which group you sympathize the most with. You may sympathize with a number of groups, but you must choose one main group whose point you wish to argue.

Friday: Today we will have a debate in class, splitting up into the six groups according to which group we most sympathize with. We will have an organized argument between all six sides, and see what we learn from the arguments of the other groups. For homework, you will follow up your paragraph from the night before with 4-5 sentences on what you learned from the debate. For example: Have you changed your mind? Did anybody persuade you to sympathize more with another group? Or did you change anybody's mind? Write about anything you took away from the debate, even if you don't think you took much. Both paragraphs will be due on Monday.